In Ukraine, when a child living in an orphanage reaches age 16, they “age-out” of the orphanage system and are sent away with little or no support. Most of these children do not have anywhere to go and end up on the street, forced to pursue an undesirable lifestyle. Manifold Mercies has a plan to offer these kids an alternative to this undesirable life.
We plan to open several residential-type homes where the aged-out orphans (age 16-21) can live, learn, and be loved. Commonly known as “transition homes”, these Life Skills Centers will be a place where the kids will live with (staff) parents in a family setting with several other kids of the same gender and age. While continuing their formal education in the local trade school, at the home they will learn skills such as budgeting, cooking, hygiene/health, sex education, computer skills, English language, and Bible studies.
The estimated budget to operate one (1) of these homes(with 10-12 kids) is $4000 per month. We plan to start with a girls home and add a boys home shortly after. Each home will have a couple residing in the home in the role of “parents”. Each child’s living expenses will include their food, clothing, housing, educational programs, special outings, and birthday celebrations.
This home will look, feel, and operate like a real family home. God will be the center of the family unit and church will be an important
activity for the kids. They will experience acceptance, guidance, and unconditional love; things missing from their lives in the orphanage. The skills they learn in these homes will help them develop into productive, contributing members of their future communities.
We plan to open several residential-type homes where the aged-out orphans (age 16-21) can live, learn, and be loved. Commonly known as “transition homes”, these Life Skills Centers will be a place where the kids will live with (staff) parents in a family setting with several other kids of the same gender and age. While continuing their formal education in the local trade school, at the home they will learn skills such as budgeting, cooking, hygiene/health, sex education, computer skills, English language, and Bible studies.
The estimated budget to operate one (1) of these homes(with 10-12 kids) is $4000 per month. We plan to start with a girls home and add a boys home shortly after. Each home will have a couple residing in the home in the role of “parents”. Each child’s living expenses will include their food, clothing, housing, educational programs, special outings, and birthday celebrations.
This home will look, feel, and operate like a real family home. God will be the center of the family unit and church will be an important
activity for the kids. They will experience acceptance, guidance, and unconditional love; things missing from their lives in the orphanage. The skills they learn in these homes will help them develop into productive, contributing members of their future communities.